Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Logo Quiz of the Day : 830

Hint: Packaging
Answer: Tetra Pak
Tetra Pak is a multinational food processing and packaging company of Swedish origin. It was founded in 1951 in Lund, Sweden, by Ruben Rausing and Erik Åkerlund. It was Erik Wallenberg who invented the tetrahedral package, today known as Tetra Classic. The company is part of the Tetra Laval group which also includes Sidel - who specialise in PET bottles- and DeLaval, a producer of dairy farming machinery and food processing equipment.
Ruben Rausing's sons Hans and Gad Rausing ran Tetra Pak from 1954 until 1985, taking the company from a seven-person concern to one of Sweden's largest corporations. At his death in 1983, Ruben Rausing was Sweden's richest person.